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Art Club is your space to discover your creativity

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Maybe you’ve never made any art. Maybe you make art now and then, but you’d like to do it more regularly. Maybe you just need some time for yourself.

Art Club is all about starting from where you are, and taking small brave steps to discover what you can do!

(Spoiler: You can do more than you believe possible!)


Beginners are welcome. Beginners are WELCOME. BEGINNERS ARE WELCOME!

You don’t need to be able to draw. Or paint. Or know anything about Art!

You can just come as you are, and we will guide you with gentle, relaxed, fun small steps, to find out what being creative is like.

(Hint: it’s full of surprises!)

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Now OPEN FOR NEW MEMBERS to JOIN SEASON 5, which starts in January!

Whether you’re a beginner, or maybe you did Art for A-levels but haven’t done much since then, or maybe you sometimes draw/paint but you’d like to do more… come to Art Club and enjoy some time out, just for yourself, while exploring creative things! All you need is curiosity and a willingness to try new forms of creative expression. Our mantra is HAVE FUN and PLAY, without fear!


Art Club meets on alternate Thursdays*, during term time. This falls into “Seasons” of between 5 and 7 sessions per Season.

About a week in advance, I send out the topic for the session by email, with guidance on what materials you will need to bring, as well as links so you can think about the topic and be inspired in advance of the session.

Each Season has one (or maybe two) themes*, carried over a few sessions. For Season 5, the theme will be Still Life, and we will explore this in various ways. You won’t be expected to come and make a stunning artwork! Rather, each session will have a specific focus, to learn a specific skill or approach to making art. Here is what we did in Season 4 (to give you an idea):

Season 4: Landscape

  • Using collage to make a landscape

  • Inky landscapes

  • Doodle Sketching

  • Art Inspired by August Wren (fearless painting)

  • Colour: using a limited palette, mixing a good warm grey

Season 5: Still Life

Season 6: Image and Text

Season 7: Figure and Portrait

Season 8: Cityscapes

*These are ideas only, and themes may change, depending on the needs and interests of the group.

Topics are chosen so that you can work in whatever medium interests you the most, or whatever materials you’ve got! The emphasis is on exploration and trying things out, in a supportive and friendly environment.

This is a club, not a course, so everyone will need to help set up tables, chairs etc, and clean up afterwards.

There is also be a Facebook and Wattsapp group where we share work-in-progress, triumphs, ask questions and provide mutual support between sessions.

*Occasionally the meetings are not two weeks apart, due to the venue being unavailable. Please check the exact dates below.


What you Will Gain from Art Club…

  • A new way of looking at the world (looking for inspiration everywhere you go!)

  • A new appreciation for spotting colour in the world

  • Confidence to try new things

  • Unearth the courage that lies within you

  • Lovely new friends! 

  • The surprising realisation that you (yes YOU!) can make art!

  • All the mental health benefits of getting into flow

  • A self-care activity that you can go to your entire life

  • To live in the world of creativity is to live every day with POSSIBILITY. This is the magic that making art gives you. It’s there for anyone to take, if you’re willing to have a go.


“Art club has opened up a whole world of fun and creativity I never imagined I would be a part of. I wasn't the "arty" one in my family and didn't take Art at GCSE or A Level, it's something I've discovered a love for as an adult. Catherine is such an inspiration and encourages us to give anything a go and enjoy the process. Art club allows you to go on your own journey with the support of the group to inspire and guide you.”

– Ingrid


“I have really enjoyed attending art club and being set a task that I wouldn’t have tried on my own. Each week is different and some suit each of us differently to others. I’ve learnt new art skills but also to be a bit kinder to myself – because even when I think my work looks terrible Catherine encourages us to find one element we like in the piece and learn from the things we don’t like. I’ve noticed I improve when I let go of my inner critic and just see what happens!”

– Emma


Dates for 2025

Season 5:

  • 23 January

  • 6 February*

  • 13 February*

  • 27 February

  • 13 March

  • 27 March

    *Two weeks in a row due to hall availability on other days

Season 6:

  • 24 April

  • 1 May

  • 22 May

  • 12 June

  • 26 June

  • 10 July

Season 7:

  • 11 September

  • 25 September 

  • 9 October

  • 23 October

  • 13 November

  • 27 November

  • 11 December

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Q. What did you enjoy most about Art Club?

“The cameraderie that allowed us to experiment and not fear judgement!”

“The opportunity to try new things with no expectations - just giving it a go. Plus the people.”



Enrolment is per Season, payable in advance.

The cost for Season 5 is £145. Payment is by bank transfer.

We want everyone in Art Club to LOVE being there, so newcomers are invited to come along to the first session on 23 January, free of charge. Payment will be due in the following week if you then decide to join. Spaces are limited, so booking for 23 January is essential. Please email me to book a space.

Tea, coffee and refreshments (often homemade cake/biscuits!) are provided.


You will need to bring your own art materials and equipment each week. An iPad will come in very useful.


St Swithun’s Church Hall, Kennington Road, Kennington, Oxford OX1 5PL
There is plenty of free parking.



Art Club is for you if you are curious to learn about creativity and try new things. You need to be happy to bring what you need to work with, and have a go, exploring your own ideas within a structured framework, even if you don’t know what you’re doing. (It’s totally ok if you don’t know what you’re doing, I’ll be there to help, give you steps to take, and will provide plenty of encouragement!)

It may not be right for you if you are looking for artistic instruction in a particular medium. If you want to learn watercolour, I am running a Watercolour for Beginners* class starting on 17 January 2025, and a Watercolour for Improvers course starting 28 February 2025.

*This class is now full. Email me to join the waiting list and I may run it again.

How can I prepare for Art Club?

  • No preparation is necessary! But if you just can’t wait, check out my Skillshare classes! I have beginner and intermediate classes in watercolour, drawing, painting and surface pattern design. You can watch my classes AND get a whole month’s free access to everything on Skillshare!

If you have any other questions, feel free to send me a message using the email button below.



Can kids come? No, sorry. Minimum age is 16.

I can’t draw! Is that a problem? Not. At. All. There are TONS of creative activities you can do without needing drawing skills. Plus, before you know it, you’ll have picked up some drawing skills!

I can’t make all the sessions, can I get a refund? Sorry, no refunds. To make art club viable, I have to hire the venue and plan the activities. You will get more out of the club if you commit to coming.

Can I drop-in? No, sorry. We are a club who will be supporting each other, sharing insights, exchanging feedback and forming lasting friendships. The magic of this shared experience happens over time, hence drop-in sessions are not available.

If you have any other questions, feel free to email me using the box below.

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